Mash uses Bitcoin and the Lightning Network to enable flexible, usage-based monetization & donations of digital apps, widgets, tools, online content, and other experiences based on quality and value.
Mash makes it easy for writers, builders, developers, and creators to offer flexible, “pay-as-you-enjoy” pricing options, auto-donations based on usage and one-click tips.
Mash is eliminating any up-front commitment barriers to purchase. Mash allows for pricing based on usage, access, and time – from content read, messages sent, votes made, crowd-unlocks, tips, games played, time spent watching/listening, boosts, downloads, and more.
This approach gives consumers clear control of their spend and enables them to consume, engage, and interact while they “stream money.” With Mash, consumers will also be able to try before they buy, auto-pay/donate without interruption or concern for overspending – without having to lock in their funds to a single experience they may never use again.
Payment is facilitated using a native digital wallet, or any lightning wallet, that does not need to be downloaded, is interoperable across the internet, and can be loaded directly with a credit card or Bitcoin.